- Actinic Keratosis
- Allergic Reactions, Contact Dermatitis
- Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)
- Blisters, Abrasions, and Skin Tears
- Corns and Calluses
- Diabetic Skin Disease
- Dry Scaling Skin
- Gangrene
- Gout
- Heel Fissures, Heel Callus
- Infections, Diabetic Infections, Cellulitis
- Kaposi’s Scarcoma
- Malignant Melanoma
- Osteomyelitis Bone Infections
- Pigmented Lesions Pigmented Areas of Skin
- Plantar Warts
- Psoriasis
- Red Painful Areas of the Foot or Ankle
- Spider Veins
- Sweaty Feet Hyperhidrosis
- Ulcerations Open Sores of the Skin